Like the ants, yet worth the jowrney.

For since the world began,
    no ear has heard
and no eye has seen a God like you,
    who works for those who wait for him!

Isaiah 64:4

Do you want to go now?

We’ve been asked this question many times when we mention that our time in Mexico is coming to an end. I wish the answer were simple, but things are a bit more complicated than a simple yes or no.

It turns out that we love being near family, speaking Spanish, attending church, and having friends who share our same culture, background, and even culinary tastes (like tacos... yum!). So no, we don’t want to leave just now. But that’s not the whole story.

When we meditate on the glorious truth of God’s love for us, manifested in giving His own son to rescue us and redeem us, so that we could be called His own, we are amazed. He bought us with the highest price and made us part of His family. He gave us hope and purpose. And now that we know Him, we’ve tasted His goodness and are delighted. And we’re just getting started.

So, are we obligated to go to Papua New Guinea? (We’ve been asked this question too.) Absolutely not! We do not go out of duty, obligation, or feeling forced. Praise be to God that He is not the type of God who forces people into His service. In fact, He does not need us. On the contrary, the Bible is clear that He delights in serving us (Isaiah 64:4)—Isn’t that wonderful?

So, what’s the real reason for us to go? Because we’ve had the privilege of knowing Him and enjoying Him. Because He has proven faithful time and again. Because He is wise and sovereign. Because He has called us, and we know there is no better place to be than where He wants us.

So yes, yes! We want to go! We want to follow Him, live for Him, and be His witnesses to those who have not heard. Even though it is painful to say goodbye to our loved ones for a time, we trust that if it were better for us to stay, He would direct us that way.

On that note, I want to add a story. My son Jacob has taken to playing with ants. He built an ant farm with a large water container, filled it with soil, and added ants to do the digging. The first group of ants died after a few days, so he looked for more. I was there when he put in about 20 more ants. They were running around like crazy, pulling at each other’s legs, biting each other, climbing, trying to escape, running through the tunnels that were there, and disturbing the few ants that had survived from the first group. It took them a while to settle down and realize that this was their new “home.”

What I want to convey with this story is that changes naturally cause stress. I feel like we’re starting to feel like those ants that were taken from their nest. We may have the advantage of knowing what and why we’re doing it, but we are beginning to feel out of place as we prepare for a different climate, a different time zone, a different language... not to mention packing.

I do not intend to complain, but to clearly express our need for the Lord’s help. That is why we covet your prayers, so that in everything we can trust the Lord and hope in Him, that we may glorify Him and be willing to do His will with joy.

During our time in Mexico, we have shared with different audiences. On one occasion, we had the task of encouraging a group of young people to invest their lives in the service of God. While preparing for this, I came across a poem by C.T. Studd from which I want to share a verse with you. It is worth meditating on these words:

Only one life, yes only one,
Now let me say, “Thy will be done”;
And when at last I’ll hear the call,
I know I’ll say ’twas worth it all”;
Only one life, ’twill soon be past,
Only what’s done for Christ will last.

May we all plead for a life like that!

How can you pray?

  • Well, no tickets yet, but we’re getting close. Jacob’s U.S. visa was approved! (Thank you for praying with us for that!) We’re just waiting for it to be sent our way, which won’t take too long.

  • Pray for us as we deal with having to sell our car to cover the cost of the tickets. We have zero talent for selling anything. Please pray we can sell it on time. Also, whatever difference is left, we put it in God’s hands. Praise God for His provision of a car while in Mexico and as a fund for tickets! 

  • Please also pray for wisdom to buy the tickets, that's never an easy job.

  • You prayed with us for homeschool materials, and God answered! He provided us with books and video classes that will be a tremendous help for us! Now we just need to figure out how to use them and how to fit them all in a suitcase. Appreciate your prayers.

  • Pray for our eyes to be fixed on Jesus as we navigate this difficult transition. Please include our kids in this. May we glorify God as we walk through this season.

    Thank you for serving alongside us!

By His mercy and for His glory

Isaac, Claudia, Jacob, and Emma Hernandez
Witnesses of a living God in Papua New Guinea

Opportunities to share and encourage others to know and live for God!


Ninguna oración es desperdiciada.


Como las hormigas, pero vale la pena.